Episode 179

Published on:

19th Jul 2018

Marketing lessons from the Protection Review Conference 2018 – MAF179

Marketing lessons from the Protection Review Conference 2018 – MAF179

Over 250 people from over 100 firms attended last week’s Protection Review Conference in London.

Although the conference is for the financial services industry and focusses on protection insurance, there were clear marketing lessons which I think are applicable for all industries. And in this week’s show I’m going to share them with you.

Welcome to episode 179 of the Marketing and Finance Podcast.

I talk about

  • How putting together consistent content can set you up as an expert in your field
  • Aiming to educating, entertaining and inspire your customers with your marketing
  • Using video to show your human side, display empathy and create trust
  • Keeping language simple and avoiding jargon, waffle and gobbledegook

Links and Show Notes.

Please visit http://rogeredwards.co.uk/MAF for the show notes.

What is the Marketing and Finance (MAF) Podcast?

The podcast for ideas and inspiration on marketing your business and growing your business, and for discussing topics on all things finance.

I’m Roger Edwards, a marketing guy and keynote speaker from Edinburgh. Talk to me if you want to cut the BS and complexity from your marketing strategy.

The MAF Podcast is a 30 minute radio show you download from http://rogeredwards.co.uk/MAF, iTunes or Stitcher Radio.

Each week you'll hear interviews with business experts, marketers, entrepreneurs and journalists. Interviews to listen to in the car, on the train or on the treadmill. Or even in the bath!

We talk about:

  • How you can grow your business using content marketing and social media
  • How you can keep your Marketing strategy and communications simple
  • Topics, issues, products and business models from the world of finance and beyond

You’ll take away one or two big ideas that you can apply to your business. So, you can keep marketing your business to keep growing your business.

Please subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes and I’d be grateful if you would leave a review. http://rogeredwards.co.uk/itunes

Fancy Appearing on the Show?

Would you be interested in appearing on the MAF Podcast? Have you an exciting marketing or finance story to tell? Do you fancy drawing out some inspirational ideas that MAF listeners can take away to use in their own businesses? Do please contact me if you want to get involved. http://rogeredwards.co.uk

Show artwork for Marketing and Finance (MAF) Podcast

About the Podcast

Marketing and Finance (MAF) Podcast
Marketing and Finance (MAF) Podcast
What is the Marketing and Finance (MAF) Podcast?

The podcast for ideas and inspiration on marketing your business and growing your business, and for discussing topics on all things finance.

Each week you'll hear interviews with business experts, marketers, entreprenuers and journalists. Interviews to listen to in the car, on the train or on the treadmill. Or even in the bath!

We talk about:
• How you can keep your Marketing strategy and communications simple
• How you can grow your business using content marketing and social media
• Topics, issues, products and business models from the world of finance

You’ll take away one or two big ideas that you can apply to your business. So you can keep marketing your business to keep growing your business.

Fancy Appearing on the Show?

Would you be interested in appearing on the MAF Podcast? Have you an exciting marketing or finance story to tell? Do you fancy drawing out some inspirational ideas that MAF listeners can take away to use in their own businesses? Do please contact me if you want to get involved. http://rogeredwards.co.uk

About your host

Profile picture for Roger Edwards

Roger Edwards

I'm a Marketing Consultant and International Speaker. I help business owners cut the complexity and BS from their marketing strategy with motivating, interactive workshops and follow-up mentoring